Untitled 1

World Education Project

Runs throughout the academic year

We are developing a new initiative where schools from disadvantaged neighbourhoods in Scotland will tutor children who face severe poverty in developing countries. The aim of the programme is to give teaching students a chance to develop leadership skills, confidence and self-esteem. Students will also gain a sense of accomplishment while helping others. Learning students will benefit from a boost to their education (some of whom receive no formal schooling).

Teaching students apply to take part as individuals, although approved by their school. All courses use the knowledge that teaching students already have from their schooling. Teaching students will benefit from the assistance of a suitable qualified teacher.

The programme runs for 8-10 weeks (dependent on the session) per term. Teaching students are expected to attend twice a week, the first session being guidance from an adult teacher for that weeks lesson plan.

Current Classes

English Classes

Level: Various

This course looks at fundamental language skills, poetry and literature.


English as a Spoken Langague

Level: Beginner

English is the number one spoken language in the world. Across the globe around 1 in 5 people are able to communicate in English. The prevalence of the English provides an incentive to learn the language. This course will encompass: Basic Phrases; Countries; Colours; Numbers; etc and how to put these together in a sentence.



Level: Various

This course looks at skills in fractions, 2-d shapes and exponents.



Level: Beginner

This course covers the basic concepts of Biology, Chemistry and Physics.



Level: General

A cultural exchange of arts, literature and music from the different countries taking part.




Teaching Staff

For the 2021 / 2022 academic year

Aaliyah Kara


For the 2022 / 2023 academic year

To Be Advised