IMPORTANT: The event is hosted and operated by The School Mock Court Case Project SCIO (The Host), a Scottish Registered Charity. The school
making this application (The School) will be at all times responsible for their students and ensure they full take part in the programme. The School will ensure the behaviour of
the participating students is exemplary at all times. The School will ensure they have the necessary student and parental consents for the students to photographed or filmed. The
School will ensure all students fully partake and are able to deal with the subject of the debate in the
programme and accept responsibility for any damage or loss occasioned by
their students, whether by their action or failing to act and fully indemnify The Host and their representatives. The School has read and understood the privacy statement found
In particular, the School understands that if it is not agreeable to information being stored and/or used by the Host and others as described in the Privacy Policy, they must not
complete this registration as it is fundamental that The Host and others be able to communicate with them and their students. The timetabling is set by The Host, but may be
amended as is required. The Host will give as much notice to The School as is possible, but some changes are outwith the control of The Host. All Debates will be run on The Hosts
Virtual conferencing system.